We would like to thank you for your generosity. Your donations help us with the following services:

  • Counseling for families and children
  • Money for families of fallen Police or Firefighters
  • Providing food and clothing in times of need
  • Trips to youth functions and hay rides for children
  • And the list goes on and on…

Your help is greatly appreciated and is tax deductible. You will receive a letter of thanks and a Certificate of Honorary Membership to the IPFCA along with a sticker you can proudly display on your car letting Police & Firefighters know you support them in the communities in which they serve.

Donating is easy with multiple options:

  • Secure Donation via Paypal (Credit cards accepted)
  • eBay Giving Works for eBay sellers & nonprofits.
  • Donations in the form of Checks and Money Orders

Choose an option to the right to get started!

check or money order
International Police & Fire Chaplains Association
9393 Pardee Rd.
Taylor, MI 48180