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IPFCA Oakland County MI Chapter

bob poole uniform

Chief Robert Poole

Chief Robert S. Poole (Executive Officer).


Rev Robert Poole is an ordained Chaplain with IPFCA, IFOC, and the International Fellowship of Pastoral Counselors, An Ordained Christian Minister with the IFOPC and United

Christian Services Inc. He has been a Designer with Chrysler for 24 years. Bob is also the director of Security at Zion Christian Church (seats about 3 thousand). Rev Bob Poole is also the technical and equipment Officer with the IPFCA. His credentials also include:

  • Advanced Emergency Incident Disaster Training Level 1 and 2
  • Certified Emergency First Responder / Chaplain Training
  • Emergency and Traumatic Spiritual Training
  • Professional Ethics and Executive Leadership Training
  • Domestic Violence Intervention
  • CISM 1 & 2 & 3
  • Red cross, CPR, First aid training Certified
  • IPFCA Instructor
  • Certified Christian Counselor


Joe Vitale uniform

Deputy Chief Joe Vitale

Joseph A. Vitale, Chief Communications Officer

Deputy Chief Vitale has over 37 years of experienced in Electrical, Mechanical & Pneumatic Engineering with General Motors Corporation. He is a Chaplain for the IPFCA and IFOC. A Vietnam Veteran, that was awarded the Army Commendation Medal during his service.   He is also an accomplished pilot and flew as a Michigan Mercy Medical Pilot for eight years.


Certified First Responder Police & Fire Chaplain

Graduate of Michigan Police/Chaplain Academy

FEMA Homeland Security Certified First Responder

  • Haz-Mat
  • Chemical & Biological
  • Incident Command

IPFCA Instructor

Doctors Degree in Chaplaincy

Critical Incident Stress Management

Grief Counseling

Divorce Care Specialist

Human Trafficking & Domestic Violence Awareness

Red Cross CPR and First Aid Certified

Terrorist Bombing Awareness

Associates Degree in Electronics