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IPFCA Level 1 Training:

                                                            3DSealmcolesMCOLES Approved and Certified

Course Objectives:

The Chaplain – Level I course covers the fundamentals in being a chaplain and in Emergency response, Duties of a First responder Chaplain, how to responded to trauma incidents, safety, and the protocols of police & fire service interaction, protocols in Homeland Security interaction, and in First Response. The program includes topic specific information in the areas of Pre-incident preparedness, Critical Incident Stress Management, Post Traumatic Stress Reduction Orientation, Basic Death Notification, Basic Domestic and Drug Abuse, and Suicide, Post/Intervention. And other related First Responder Chaplain courses.  Course Accreditation & Certification (4.0. c.e.u.’s)


Course Accreditation & Certification:

The course curriculum has been reviewed and approved by local colleges and universities, MCOLES Approved and Certified, Michigan Commission on Law Enforcement Standards. It has been determined that the course material meets the requirements as set forth by local University’s and has been approved to issue work related Study’s, and CEU’s . A “Certificate of Completion”. To each student. Which successfully completes the course.

Course Title

Session 1: 40 hours of Training

When to call a Chaplain.                                                                          

What is a Chaplain?                                                                                 

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder [PTSD] Basic CISM                                               

Listening Skills.                                                                                        

Basic Crime Scene Awareness.                                                               

Death Notification.                                                                                  

Grief & Loss.                                                                                            

Sex Abuse- Child / Teen / Adult.                                                           

Domestic Violence – Spouse / Adult.                                                       


 Session 1- A:


Standard Red Cross and CPR                                                                

Basic Critical Incident Stress Management [CISM]  

IPFCA Wilson Train 1

  Small bar square

 After Passing, and completion of CHP- 700.o   Chaplain eligible for IPFCA ID. Assist First Responder Chaplains.o   Perform Industrial, Hospital and Jail Chaplain duties.  


