IPFCA Overview
The IPFCA Provides Training to First Responder Chaplains, in Professional certified Training in CISM, Law enforcement, Fire Rescue, sexual abuse, Domestic Violence, Death Notification, and emergency Spiritual counseling. We have the highest Training standards offered in the chaplaincy field in the US and Abroad. The IPFCA also provides the highest trained and certified Chaplains to serve Police & Fire Departments, and City, State, and US Government Agencies. The IPFCA also provides advanced training to Law Enforcement Officers, firefighters, and other professional agencies in job related fields, self enhancement courses. LODD COUSES: Line of Duty Death, the IPFCA also response to local and national disasters as First Responders, please see Catalog for more details.

The IPFCA has Chapters across the United States, and abroad, South Africa, and India. In the United States we are in Michigan, New York, Florida, North Carolina, Denver Colorado, Utah, we have trained Chaplains working in ten other States. Serving Police & Fire departments, Churches, and Community outreach programs. We provide the World’s finest professional certified first responder Chaplains through certified training, and Professional stands, each FR Chaplain, must complete a criminal Back ground check, have satisfactory Bible and theological education, and the ethical standards of a Christian, before training can even begin.

IPFCA has received community awards from Redford Township, River Rouge Fire Department, and is recognized and registered with The Commission on Law Enforcement Standards. In Training, Its Instructors are in the American Police Hall of Fame for training over 2,000 officers. American Red Cross And many more.

The IPFCA provides the Finest Training course’s available, Level One training includes: Duties of a Chaplain, Responsibilities of a Chaplain, Orientation to CISM, (Critical Incident Stress Management) Crime scene protection; Death Notification, sexual Abuse/Domestic Violence, Suicide, II: CISM II: LODD, Line of Duty Death, Advance Death Notification: advance Sexual Abuse/ Domestic Violence: Crowed Control, Arrest procedures, Disaster Rescue Basic: Emergency Spiritual Counseling: Haz-mat awareness. and much more, please see our catalog on our web-site for more products and Training courses.